Managing stocks and purchases

Key features

  • Product list and product categories

    Define your products based on manufacturers’ data or create and group them according to your own product categories.

  • Purchasing and receiving goods

    Simplify the ordering process by defining customized minimum/maximum stock quantities and link your purchases with the inventory and general ledger applications.

  • Flexible price lists

    Manage price lists and customize prices according to various calculation methods: cost plus, discount percentage, quantity prices, etc.

  • Quotations and customer orders

    Deliver customer orders on time by checking stock availability and by creating special orders, if required.

  • Production of reports

    Produce various kinds of reports that provide you with valuable information on your assets: inventory value, list of products with serial numbers (tracking), customized inventory analysis based on your own criteria.

An ergonomic and user-friendly interface that simplifies your operations.

Goods to purchase

Accounts payable

Customer order

Prices and detailed functions

Among these series of functions, select those you want to add to your Accounting Suite.



Unlimited technical support




Unlimited technical support



Stock management
Additional products
Price adjustment
Price lists
Product label printing
Product label configuration
Product location
Units of measure
Supplier products
Inventory management
Product categories
Cost and sales prices
Additional fees (ecofees, deposit)
Viewing profit in real time (encoded)
Actual profit (FIFO)
Kit management
Serial number management
Inventory value
Report and analyze
List of products
Inventory count
Goods not received
Goods to purchase
Inventory analysis
List of product categories
Inventory change
Purchase journal
Purchase report
Inventory value
List of supplier products
Customers on hold
Hourly sales analysis


Purchases and orders
Purchases and orders
Purchase of goods
Receipt of goods
Delivery slips
Customer orders
Report and analyze
Customers on hold
Hourly sales analysis
Order journal
Quotation report
Profit analysis
Product analysis
Quotation report
Open order report
Supplier notes

Technical information

Platform Acomba
Other Acomba applications required Accounting Suite. The Inventory module is required in order to use the Orders module.
Configuration requirements Show details

We also recommend


Launch and manage an online store which connects directly to your inventory and general ledger applications.


Gérez des stocks localisés dans différents entrepôts ou de multiples succursales.


Reduce your expenses by producing your own payrolls and government slips for your employees.