11 Novembre 2016
Management tips
We have already discussed the importance of preparing a strong business plan. It is a fundamental document to support the launching of an entrepreneurial project. It is also a powerful management tool, if it’s kept up to date.
20 Octobre 2016
Contractors tips
The Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan, or VRSP, is a type of retirement plan that favours savings by giving all workers in Quebec access to a simple and affordable plan.
14 Octobre 2016
Management tips Payroll and HR
A motivated employee is a loyal, productive employee who wants to actively contribute to the company's results. As an informed manager, you likely recognize the importance of motivating your team.
22 Septembre 2016
When starting or expanding a business, choosing a business partner is not an easy decision. Choosing the wrong partner can have serious consequences...
15 Septembre 2016
Management tips Technology
Launched by Industry Canada in 2005, BizPal is a free platform that allows Canadian entrepreneurs to automatically obtain the list of permits and licenses they have to get from their municipality...
1 Septembre 2016
Sales and marketing
In 1996, participants in Quebec’s agri-food products industry formed Aliments du Québec, an organization whose mission is to identify and promote the province’s food products. By creating a strong...
18 Août 2016
Business incubators help to stimulate entrepreneurship and to increase the survival rate of young businesses by providing them with work space and various services.
4 Août 2016
Cloud computing services are becoming more and more popular. It’s not hard to see why so many professionals and entrepreneurs are choosing to dematerialize a portion of their operations...